Holidays and trips
See the relevant menu area of this website for the latest information.
Monthly meetings
Current arrangements for these, and details of speakers over the next few months, are given in the What’s on/Monthly Meetings area of this website.
Seed orders
Once again, Glenys Dingwall is kindly co-ordinating seed orders from SALGA members and, as ever, a huge discount is offered by Kings for seeds ordered in this way.
Kings Seeds Autumn catalogue will be available at the Pickards Field allotment shop from late August, and hand delivered to members who haven’t collected theirs from there some time after that. The catalogue shows all of Kings’ offerings, and the respective codes to be used on the order form. Meanwhile, copies of Glenys’s letter explaining the ordering process, and of the order form you should use, are downloadable via the links below.
Please note, the order form can’t be completed on-line; members wishing to use the downloadable version will need to print it off and complete it by hand as set out in Glenys’s letter.