Joining SALGA

Joining SALGA is easy! You can join or renew your membership for 2025 at the shop at Pickards Field, at a monthly meeting in Upham Road (see separate pages on this website for details), by post or by email. Membership forms are available at the shop and at our monthly meetings. OR, you can download, print and complete an electronic version (see link below) and post it to our membership secretary, Denis Matthews, 3 Clevedon Gardens, Wroughton SN4 9EZ, with £7 payable to Swindon Allotments and Leisure Gardens Association for your household’s subscription (see below) – preferably by bank transfer (details below) or, if you prefer not to use that method, by cheque made payable to Swindon Allotments and Leisure Gardens Association.

Once your membership is registered, your membership card can be collected from the shop, or we can post it to you if you provide our membership secretary with a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

NB The 2025 rate of £7/household/year becomes payable when joining. The membership thus purchased will carry through to 31 December 2025.

Alternatively, you may prefer to take your completed form and £7 cash subscription to our members’ shop at Pickards Field (see separate page on this website for location and opening times).

OR, you can scan your completed membership form and email it to, and pay the £7 2025 subscription for your household by bank transfer to SALGA’s CAFBank account number 00020536, sort code 40-52-40, referenced “(you surname)-sub”.

Existing members can follow the same procedures when renewing their membership, OR do so via their seed orders submitted to Glenys Dingwall by the due date (for details, see order form with Kings seed catalogue available at the Pickard Field shop).

Please note, SALGA’s bank deduct fees from our account for handling cash and processing cheques. We would strongly encourage those who are comfortable to use this method please to pay online by bank transfer, therefore.